High End Scanning
Film & Opaque picture
Types of image physical sources for scanning:
Transparencies and Negatives
24 x 35 mm; 24 x 149 mm
6 x 4.5 cm; 6 x 6 cm; 6 x 7 cm
6 x 9 cm; 6 x 12 cm; 6 x 17 cm
4 x 5”; 5 x 7”
Opaque pictures (flexible paper and fabric-based images)
Up to 20,5 x 29,5 cm.
Texture and color correction
Our devices, such as scanners, monitors, and printing systems, are calibrated according to the specific standards based on the ICC profiles (International Color Consortium.)
Texture and color correction is a process aimed at adjusting textures (radius, sharpen mask, grain, dark limits, etc.) and colors (temperature, tint, saturation, contrast, brightness, among others.)
Color Separation Guide and Gray Scale (Small) are resources that help control the neutral tone values and achieve the correct color balance of the image for print and reproduction processes.
Image Cleaning
After scanning, we take care of even the smallest details, such as removing dust and scratches, to obtain the cleanest and most excellent reproduction.
High-End Scanning
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Hi-End scanning price per image?
The price is $0.50 per MB (megabyte). Every image should have a minimum of 50 MB ($25.00).
In what resolution should you digitize my photos?
400 dpi
350 - 400 dpi
Self adhesive vinyl and solvent prints
200 - 300 dpi
We digitize the copy at the print size.
Is higher DPI better for scanning?
Turnaround Time
Turnaround time does not include weekends or holidays, and your project is processed when ArtMedia receives your analog images/transparencies.
Rush processing is available at an additional cost.
How are the scanned files delivered to me?
Alternatively, we can transfer your digital files into a storage device such as a USB or portable hard drive provided by you or we can provide a storage media at an additional cost.
How do I prepare my photos for shipping?
If you live close enough to Artmedia, consider delivering and picking up the photos yourself.
Have a question that is not listed?
We invite you to schedule a meeting with one of our specialist.
Schedule a Meeting